Thursday, May 18, 2006

"Ride on a Charter Boat!" / May 16

Wolf Pack joins in the fun with a "Ride on a Charter Boat" event! It was an open invitation for friends and families to come and take an enjoyable short ride onboard one of the best fleets in Wisconsin! This is one of the core values of the Wolf Pack -- fun!

Charter Captains and their crews invited the public to take a ride on their boats in the late afternoon. The weather cooperated and gave us picture perfect waters. You can feel the warmth!
After a short loop outside the Sheboygan Harbor, we watched as the armada of vessels returns.

The Wolf Pack and it's crews are much more than just people who love to fish... they love to create memories.
It's about real people...
getting to experience the outdoors with people who love the outdoors.
Remember when you're coming and going,
look us up, give us a call, create a memory,
...Run with the Pack!

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