Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sheboygan County Ice Fishing... and Santa Claus!

Santa visited with the Wolf Pack youngsters while on a fishing excursions at the Sheboygan Marsh. Santa had been out on the Marsh pitting his reindeer against some local snowmobilers, and stopped by for some hot chocolate.
Here is a perfect shot of the girls insisting, nicely, on knowing why not everything on their list had been delivered...."Well Santa? Hmmmm?" Santa, caught off-guard, cited inventory shortages and back order delays. It was a friendly exchange.
Down to business! The Pack has been out tracking down pan-fish on local waters, and perch on Winnebago. The action has been steady with smaller fish....but being persistent has yielded keepers! Fish ranged in size from 7.25" to 8".
First fish through the hole and Captain Roy had an 8" fish.

Perch caught by Jerrad on lake Winnebago. Sorting through a lot of small fish on a good bite did produce a nice meal to be cleaned when the sun was set!
Grand-pa Roy passing on the knowledge to Paige! Roy would tell her "Jig, jig, jig" and she would do just like grand-pa.
Future of Wisconsin...she is in good hands! All geared up with her snow-shoes, she fished her heart out.
Inspecting the equipment.
Just down the ice sat Jerrad and daughter Raven! Families that fish together form strong bonds for the lucky we are to spend times like these with our kids in such scenic areas!

She too was learning more about the outdoors. Bundled for the weather, snowshoes buckled, and off the ice she was ready.
Father and daughter fishing side by side. The pan-fish were biting, weather was great, and the thought of hot chocolate was right around the corner.
Mandi and I got into a steady panfish bite. Thanks to some more of Roy's coaching, we learned a new way to rig our baits to increase hook-ups.
Roy got Mandi set on scouting spot, showed her the best technique for jigging, and then moved to another scouting spot.
We set the Lowrance up and watched the fish start to show up. Having a good graph isn't necessary, but can make the difference when scouting for "honey holes".

Success! That's a nice sized blue-gill being hoisted up (her camo pattern makes it hard to see her right arm holding her pole).
Roy's Lowrance Ice Machine is marking a large school of fish down below.
One of the packs techniques is to "dead stick" the bait. With Frabill's easy popper spring bobber even the lightest bites are detectable.
The bite picked up near sunset...what a blast! We used a variety of small jigs (pink worked best, BB size/shape) tipped with red, blue, white spikes. Plastics worked well when he bite slowed, then back to live bait, eventually going to mousies. The fish were all over the water column, and would hit a slow downward jig to a dead-stick.
Another successful catch brought to you by Wolf Pack Adventures!
Book a trip now...get out and learn what the Wolf Pack can teach you! Visit our website for update fishing reports and see our new videos!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Wolf Pack heats up Winter!

While the ice was good the Wolf Pack went on the prowl for early ice fish!
Dan Small & Outdoor Wisconsin ran with Wolf Pack Adventures on the Sheboygan Marina for a chance at some Rainbow or Brown trout! (Air-times to be announced).
The Pack explains their tactics for early ice trout. Using a Lowrance Ice Machines to chart activity below the ice, Frabill rods, and a variety of baits is one of the Pack's hallmarks.

Captain Mike explains the different settings for the Lowrance. In shallower waters, dialing in the sensitivity so you can differentiate fish from bottom feedback can make the difference.

Ice fishing doesn't scratch your winter itch? Why not take a Pheasant hunt adventure with the Wolf Pack!
"Taz" Kalmerton with one of his many pheasant retrieves.

Whether your preference is pheasants behind a Lab or a pointer, Wolf Pack can get you on the birds!

Don't forget to check our videos found on various pages of our website!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sheboygan County Ice Fishing - Marina

The Wolf Pack has it's "winter coat" on and ready for ice fishing!
Sheboygan County Brown Trout through the ice!
Colorful Rainbow Trout caught in the Sheboygan Marina!
You know, all that's missing is Pat's new underwater camera to catch the action under the ice. Well, why not be a part of the action on the a trip today!
The Wolf Pack put a total of four trout and one northern pike on the ice in a short time!
Visit the web site, sign-up for an ice fishing adventure, and don't forget to visit the video page.