Sunday, September 29, 2013

 The river has really started to come on this past week. The lower river was stacked with fish waiting for some rain and we got some last night that should push some up stream. The upper river was slower but still had a few fish hanging out like this big king!
 This nice male king was taken in the lower part of the river working one of our inline spinners made by one of our guides chuck! His spinners have been the ticket for enticing these fussy kings!
 Here is what we knew we would see in the river this fall! With much larger average size salmon taken on the lake this summer, there would be a few hogs in the river! This is the biggest king we have laid our hands on in many years! No certified weight but a guess putting it over the 30 pound mark!!
 This brown was trying to suck up the eggs dropped behind a female salmon but was too aggressive that he fell victim to another one of chucks spinners!!
 A first for this gal! She said they don't have salmon in Georgia but we were able to get her one to the net!!
This beautiful fall run steelhead had a ton of aggression he wanted to get out on this spinner! It was an epic situation watching him shoot out of the pool and destroy this spinner before our eyes!! Another one of those instances where you wish you had a video camera rolling!
The boats are getting ready to come out of the water but this river bite is just heating up and should last another 4-5 weeks! Come check out an experience you cant get many places and we are so thankful its right out our back door!

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