With the waters being ideal for shallow water fishing, Wolf Pack Captain Greg Schoemer has taken on a new kind of salmon fishing! Jigging for king salmon!! As long as conditions are right Wolf Pack is now offering this as an adventure! Look forward to periods of it to be perfect the rest of the summer!

Here is Captain Greg with another nice salmon on the kayak! September while kings are staging in the harbor, marina, and rivers will be a perfect time for this!

Another nice king landed on the kayak!! You can't put yourself any closer to this action!!

Big kings have also shown up in numbers and are filling coolers everyday!

The fishing couldn't be any better right now! These guys fished an evening and the next morning and ended up bringing in over 200lbs of salmon!!

The smile takes care of any words needed to describe the adventure! The noise to describe this is screaming drag!! Nothing is more exciting!!

Teaching the youth how to get into the action! Their is no age restrictions in fishing so lets get the kids out before they head back to school!!
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