You gotta see the leaping Salmon of the Sheboygan!
Fall Salmon run is ON! "Minnow" - one of Wolf Packs guides in training, fights salmon on his fly-rod. A local fly-fisherman was awesome enough to lend his expertise! Thank You sir! A mature ready to spawn male Brown Trout was caught using fresh spawn. The Wolf Pack got this first time fly-fisherman on a nice spawning female Chinook Salmon.
She took a egg-sucking leech pattern. NOW sit back and enjoy the next round of acrobatic salmon pics. These brutes are leaping into the air below the dam. Shortly after these pictures were taken, we watched two people on the other side get grazed by leaping Salmon!
Folks...these fish are truly amazing! Even if you don't fish, coming to see the leaping Chinooks of the Sheboygan is a grand event. "Minnow" on his many fights of the day.
Some times the fish don't jump, but they just swim up on the rockets!
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