Ever thought about a relaxing fishing picnic on a farm property all to yourself? How about fishing in a catch and release pond full of Bluegill, Perch, Crappie, and Bass, with an occasional Walleye? Wolf Pack has a package designed just for that.
Roy gets his grand daughter's pole set and ready... of course shows us how it's done.
Jason, president of First Choice PC in Sheboygan, takes his son on his first ever fishing trip! Here is his son's first Crappie!
Father and son proud moment. First Choice's first trout!
Way to go Jason, nice fighting Bass.
First Bluegill!
Before you know it, he's handling the fish like a little pro!
Even in low light, it's easy to see her beautiful smile! Rayven found the Crappie too!
This is to illustrate the size of some of these Bluegills when they are ready to spawn.
Jason found another nice Bass... these ponds have the ability to keep you guessing!
Even these little bass are aggressive enough to give you a run for your money....they are aggressive fighters...I think they are out to prove themselves.
Jason lands a Rainbow trout for dinner.
Jason helps his son land his first Rainbow trout!
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