The Wolf Pack had the honor of guiding some of the Green Bay Packers coaching staff on a successful Lake Michigan Charter for Trout and Salmon!
Green Bay Packers coaching staff Bob Sanders, James Campen, Eric Lewis, and Carl "Big Daddy" Hairston along with First Mate Greg and Captain Pat pose with a nice catch of King Salmon, Rainbow trout, and a few Lake trout. This was Wolf Pack's "Super Troll I" 2007!Fish were caught in 130-220 f.o.w. using Dodger Flies on Dipsey Divers, regular spoons on lead core and on slide divers. Trolling speed 2.2 - 2.4 m.p.h. Best colors were Orange on the spoons and Mountain Dew Flashers on the dipseys.
Carl Hairston with his King Salmon! If you had to describe the way Great Lakes fish fight: a Chinook is a strong-side Linebacker, a Coho is a Defensive End, a Rainbow Trout is a Free Safety, and a Lake Trout is like a middle Linebacker!
Here Eric Lewis and Carl Hairston run a double! The day brought a couple doubles and even a triple header once. It was a perfect day to be fishing trout and salmon on Lake Michigan. The fishing is great right now out of the Port of Sheboygan.
James Campen and his Chinook Salmon! Shortly after this "snap" shot he pitched the option to the First Mate who spiked it into the cooler...a victory dance ensued!
A sincere Thank You to Bob, Carl, Eric, and James for running with the Wolf Pack!
Good luck fishing and when you are on the water feel free to call us on the marine radio or you can set up a trip with the Wolf Pack by calling 920-918-9653.
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