A Wolf Pack guide explaining the fun art of how to read the Lowrance. You can "see" the fish come up to the bait on the screen. It's kind'a like an electronic bobber! You see the graph plotting your jig and the moving fish... when the two colors come together on the graph -- set the hook!

The Wolf Pack traveled to the 2007 Northwest Chicago Sports Show. Wolf Pack had a booth highlighting their equipment as well as some of their fishing adventure packages. Capt. Pat Kalmerton has probably one of the most enthusiastic personalities in the industry and rightfully so, he spent most of his time meeting with the crowds.

Besides being a quality fishing guide service, the Wolf Pack has relevant talents that shine through! Here is Capt. Pat Kalmerton filleting fish for an exhibitors competition. Capt. Pat is kind'a like a "fish processor" -- he's as efficient as geese on winter wheat in late December!

Pat won the GRAND Masters Award -- The Official Fillet King Exhibition Event Winner. There were approximately 50 plus entrants consisting of guides from all over & exhibitors! Folks, Pat is a natural outdoorsman, and I don't mean he walks around the field in his underwear. Pat, like a true Kalmerton family member has a knack for being good at what he does -- guided fishing! He, along with his crew provide a great trip and services...because they are capable!

Pat has filleted a lot of fish! He's needs to be efficient at what he does....and practice makes perfect! With Wolf Pack ice fishing catches like these, he's had plenty of experience honing his filleting skills!

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