Rita Sheldon, a Grandmother from Nebraska, traveled to the sunny shores of Lake Michigan to celebrate her 80th birthday on board The Wolf Pack! Rita's fishing partners were her son Rick, her daughter Kathleen, and Kathleen's better half Dave Scribner. 80 years of life experience and Rita is out in the elements, granted in luxury, but still..... that is awe inspiring!
After a 5 mile run to the SE in 150 feet of water, Grandma reeled in 2 nice King Salmon, still using dodger-fly combos. Typical of the Sheboygan Area fishermen, the marine radios howled & cheered a ~~Happy Birthday~~~ as Rita watched the Frabill swing another Sliver beauty on to the deck. Rita is used to "wraslin" farm chores, so a King is nothing but pure fun!
Yup, Grandma left her tractor at home and took a day off from delivering calves, to watch a Lake Michigan sunrise while chasing Kings on her 80th birthday! Here's a celebrated person that spends her life providing for the bread basket of America... this catch is a token of Mother Nature's appreciation!

Rita and her "party" stand next to a Wolf Pack wind chime! "We are honored! 80 years of Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall... it's no wonder you've seen it all... you chose Wolf Pack to stand with and fish... and for that we pray that you get your birthday wish!" The Wolf Pack wishes Grandma Sheldon many more and we're glad we were a small part of the memories to follow.
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