Lake Michigan charter fish are showing their faces! We are still fishing the shoreline for a mix bag of browns, lake trout, and a few kings. The baitfish have showed up and the water is starting to warm up which means the offshore bite for kings and rainbows could start any day!

This lake trout put on a battle! With cold water these fish have a lot of spunk, making the fight an absolute work out!

There may be a lockout in the NFL, but the football browns are still playing every day out on the lake!

The river levels are now in great shape for the smallmouth fishing. This was one of the dozen smallmouth caught in a little over an hour! Fast paced action that also includes a few signs of northern pike and a couple crappies!

There is room for both Lake Michigan and river dates but the Lake Michigan dates are starting to fill up quick so pick your date and let's secure your spot aboard the Wolf Pack this summer for some reel screaming, cooler filling salmon and trout action! If your style isn't on a boat, come try the river!
Its a great adventure! Check out our rates page for new website updates!!