Fish of all species and sizes have been biting in all the different areas we guide! This northern pike isn't a wall hanger but the smile proves it will be a memory!

A big female perch that came through the hole while fishing on Green Bay. These can be caught as part of a mixed bag with white fish!

Some inland lake panfishing has also been a good bite! Wolf Pack captain Greg caught himself a nice meal this day!

Whitefish up on the bay have been very active and providing lots of actions and many limits! Northland Buckshot spoons have been driving these fish crazy!

Here is a two person limit that was kept. These fish can be caught all day long in the Sturgeon Bay area of the Green Bay!

Pick your location and lets get you on one of these bites!! The ice is great, the fish are biting, and we have all the proper equipment to make this a memory of a lifetime!