Brown Trout fishing remained good through the changing weather
Beautiful silvery Brown Trout
Nice catch in this team effort the Wolf Pack participated in.
This is the perfect size Brown Trout for grilling!
Fights on and everyone gets into it!.jpg)
Strike a pose with your catch
Congratulations to Captain Greg... a long time First Mate with the Wolf Pack, he is now one of their Captains!
How do you run planner boards? What are they? The boards run off the side of your boat by many yards, paralleling your path. The boards have a single solid line running from the boat to board. On this solid line, the crew can run fishing lines and baits at various distances from the sides of the boat.
First you attach the fishing line to a clothes pin with a rubber-band.....
then you hook the clothes pin on the solid line with a curtain clamp....
let the clothes pin go and it slides down the line until you set the "clicker" on your rod.
The board is cut in such a way that it just parallels the boat as long as you are moving.
When the rod goes off, reach for it and set the hook!
Fight the fish...go go go!
There you have planner board fishing
There is plenty of great fishing ahead, so Catch the Spirit with the Wolf Pack and get addicted....the Wolf Pack sure is!