Monday, January 28, 2008

Wolf Pack Educational

Longfellow School "Reel 'em in Club" - a fishing club for youths who for the most part have never fished at all, got some lessons from the Wolf Pack on ice fishing. Below is the Thank You they took the time to make to Wolf Pack.

"Reel 'em in Fishing Club" runs with the Wolf Pack for some lessons in ice fishing!

Captain Roy brought the gamut of ice fishing equipment, from Jiffy Ice Drills and ice skimmers, Lowrance Ice Machines (fish finder), and Frabill portable shantys and jig poles.
Roy explains to the kids the function of the jig poles in the Ice Rigger - a stand that holds a jig pole and trips a flag when a fish bites!

Roy is demonstrating the Lowrance Ice Machine. Here he explains how the fish finder works and helps us find fish under the ice.

Roy demonstrating the Frabill - Glide Trax portable ice shanty. He has the students sit inside and explains the comfort and function of having a portable shanty.

Wolf Pack goes from classroom to ice! The Wolf Pack enjoy educating and introducing people to the outdoors and the gear needed. Part of the Wolf Pack presentation is their crew - pictured are Emilio and Amanda.

Emilio (Wolf Pack's 10 year old guide in training) can relate to kids and adults. Amanda is an avid fisherwoman. Both demonstrate not only the equipment, but are versed in finding fish and catching fish. They are examples that the sport and equipment can be used and enjoyed by kids and women!
John (Wolf Pack guide and web) hands over a Frabill Fin-S rod, set on a Ice Rigger for Northern, to one of the girl students. She got to feel the fight on the rod as the drag screamed a few times.

Wolf Pack guide in training - 10 year old Emilio "Minnow" drilling with a Jiffy!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Wolf Pack Educational

Wolf Pack Educational Trailer goes to Road America Races in Elkhart Lake!
Captain Pat giving some instruction to a young'n on how to "Frabill-a-fish"

Wolf Pack guides (father John & son Emilio) assist some inquisitive girls and demonstrate how the Fin-S rods work and feel. Emilio would pick up the "bait" way out in the grass and replicate a fishing fish!

Kids and parents line up and enjoy aim casting with the Frabill rods.

This little lady holds her trophy high!

Guide John shares his expertise with many of the kids and parents that came to participate.

Captain Roy gives first hand instruction on "fighting" a fish...

and eventually landing it!

Here young and old look at our Frabill rods mounted into Ice Riggers attached with an Arctic Siren tip-up alarm!

Plenty of kids and adults stopped by the Educational trailer to experience the fun & excitement of fishing!

Whether netting, casting, reeling, or just asking questions, the Wolf Pack loves to reach out to youth and the inexperienced.

Part of Wolf Pack's package is it's diversity. Wolf Pack guide in training (10 year old Emilio) relates to other children as he explains the features of large and small Frabill nets.

This young girl examines her catch.

Diversity again. Here Wolf Pack crew member Amanda helps this little guy land the big one! Amanda demonstrates that ladies can enjoy this sport and chose the right equipment!

People LOVE the Frabill Musky net! Kids can't believe they fit right in and parents ask "Do you really catch fish that big!" One thing is for sure...we always catch smiles that big with the Wolf Pack Educational Trailer!

Fisher Lake Ice Fishing Derby

President Sean Franklin and wife getting ready to hand out prizes to the kids!

Fisher Lake may not be that big, but the ice fishing derby draws a good sized crowd!The sign says it all! A big thanks from sportsmen/women go out to businesses that sponsor kids' outdoor activities -- they really do make a difference!
Crowds gather at the prize tent for the various raffles and to see who registers the biggest fish.

Some of the kids enjoyed rides to the event tent and bon-fire to warm up.-16 without the wind chill factor! Roy rigging a new jig on one of the kid's poles.
Despite the cold weather, the kids fished their hearts out. It had to be near -24 degrees and I watched a young girl take off her gloves to peel ice off her line...and she didn't want help! These are some of the most dedicated sports kids I've encountered yet!

Wolf Pack's "Minnow" handing out Jiffy ice skimmers to some of the youth.

Vice President Todd Patterson getting ready to hand out the awards to the kids.

Just like their adult counterparts, the kids gather in anticipation of the results at the sponsor's tent.

"What will it be...something from Jiffy? Frabill? A trophy?
The First National Bank of Niagara sponsored trophies for the kids...what a display of support!

This little guy braved the cold, fished, and took 2nd place! Way to go. That smile just warms you up.
Wolf Pack's Roy and "Minnow" with the top 3 place winners!
Sean handing out Jiffy carabiners! The kids got busy attaching stuff to other didn't matter what it was.
Trophy, hats, ice skimmers -- happy future sportsmen/women.
She even got a Frabill jig stick! She'll put it to good use this season yet!
Thanks to all the sponsors! We were treated to dinner at the Black Bear Inn - great blue-gill dinner! Barb's cafe - egg sandwich, cheese, sausage, and it took both hands to hold it! Maxsells - greeeaaat food in a converted house, you'll love the hospitality and be wowed by the taste!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

New Year Walleye!

Greg, Brandon (behind the camera), and Pat with a limit of Walleyes ranging between 16- and 24 inches.

Pat ringing in the New Year with a nice Walleye. Great eaters at this size!
Lunch for the Bowl Games!
Everyone had a great time when the Pack finds the fish. Book your trip now, come on it will be a great time. Gather some great winter fillets and lasting memories!