Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Ice Fishing has already begun!!!

Blue gills fill the pail as they move into the shallows, small 1/16 oz jig and 2-3 lb test seems to be the trick tip with two-3 Spikes or waxies.
It’s a light bite and ice conditions are changing daily, check out Lake-Link or with your local bait shops for ice conditions.
Early Ice means action! The Frabill Recon was on the ice and on the move with the fish!

Nice "gills" in the 8+" range.

Jerrad advised his son he has to get them cleaned before bed time……and the tradition carries on to the next generation!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cold Duck!!??

You know you're an avid duck hunter when you have to travel through the broken ice path you made in the morning! Follow the path to the hot-spot! Taking turns breaking ice in the decoys so the ducks can land.
Ah...pre-winter wonderland!
COLD DUCK! Two Mallards for the day. Taz...did you really jump in the water to get them?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Youth Muskie Hunt - always a success!

Turning Leaf Challenge 2008 - Youth Musky Hunt!
Mother & daughter team! Both had a great fish follow up but no a takers, using the same buck-tail. Terri saw the teeth in the morning and pulled the bait away, but Sam hung in and did some great figure 8's, they are real troopers!
A special "Thank You" to all the sponsors will be proudly worn (on the back of the sweat shirts) by all that attended.
A heavy frost met the Muskie Hunters on Saturday morning but it sure didn’t dampen their enthusiasm any…maybe the seat of their pants a little though !!
The two clubs filled the lunch room for some great food! BTL Chapter put a challenge out a couple of years ago to have the Illinois Chapter join us this past fall. We challenge other clubs to take a kid fishing -- that's what this is all about. Is your Chapter up to it??
Ellen Wells from BTL Chapter - Muskie Inc. hands out participation Muskie memorabilia to the participants from our sponsors to use in the field. Our major donor and friend of Muskie Inc., Jerry “The Weasel” Messman (a BTL member from Two Rivers) talks to the younger anglers on what fishing with his foster parents meant to him growing up and how it changed his life forever. It is really a Life Long family activity that not only leaves lasting memories but has a bonding effect that no words can explain !

"Guide Greg Wells and youngster Maria Muller of Sheboygan Falls show off a 42-inch muskie caught during the Youth Muskie Hunt on Lac Vieux Desert.--Contributed Photo"

See the article in the Vilas County News - Review

Wolf Pack has been a sponsor for the last three years and has provided a boat each of those years. Pat or Roy have also fished with the participants as well.
We would like to thank Muskies Inc. International and Individual chapters for sponsoring the 2008 Youth Muskie Hunt. We also thank the many donors, contributors, and business that make this possible.

It is programs like these where our heritage, outdoor values, and responsible stewardship are practiced. This welds us to our future generations.

God has Stewards he sends to events like these: we call them Volunteers.
God has Angels he sends to events like these: we call them our Sons & Daughters.

Meet that challenge... support or volunteer... either way you do it, do it ALL THE WAY!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Duck Hunting the Wolf Pack way!

Gift Certificates available for any Wolf Pack Adventure! Great idea for the holidays.

Visit wolfpackadventures.com or contact Pat Kalmerton for details.

Wolf Pack Adventures will go to all the lengths to retrieve a fallen fowl! Here "Taz" stopped for some directions -- he literally got a boost! It's a Lab and a pointer!
Taz in his blind displaying his big water retrieve.
Taz shows off his first Drake Pintail of the season! He was proudly guiding clients on a Wolf Pack hunt.
A full plumage Drake Greenwing was harvested and will make a great display!
Before the action begins we get the client into place. On board the Wolf Pack's 'Fall Addiction'... this is Captain Pat Kalmerton's autumn office.
Don't you wish Black-birds were ducks and you could hunt snow goose limits? What's really fun is hearing the "shhhwhooooosh whooooosh whooooooosh....!" of the flock as they pass by. By the way, don't look up, and keep your mouth closed.

Our offices are outside in the fall, so if you have business to tend to, it's okay to answer your phone --- but a duck comin' in takes priority and is fair game to the rest of the boat. If your not quick enough, you'll have to explain what that loud "bang" was to the person on the other end of the line!
Pat has provided some diverse bag hunts this year. This was a 3 teal, 2 mallard, and 1 pintail day!
We've seen a few more full plumage drake Wood Ducks this year as well.
Taz gets to wear his dad's hat for the rest of day...he did a good job. "Can I 'rive the 'ruck too dad?"
Pat and Taz pose with two geese harvested off the "Fall Addiction"
An upland hunter sees the pigeon first in this photo. A duck / goose hunter notices her camo pattern first.
"Field and electric Stream!" The geese were buzzing all around this field... they were ec-static to be there.... they were shocked to find hunters...they were amped to get out of the way... (sorry folks, the thoughts just run through me, and I just have to write them down) -- how en-lightening!
What a GREAT fall sun-set.
First day's hunt yielded some great results on Canadians.
The next morning yielded a good batch of Canadians and 3 Wood Ducks!
Tazzer-man gets some well deserved recognition before the hunt. "Gooooood-boy!"
Okay, now Taz is ready to get down to business!
A good morning. I admit we should have had three more in the boat, but I think the shells I was using were old and the BB's were slow. Who do I write to about that?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sheboygan County Fall Hunts & River Sports Fishing

Wolf Pack is very busy in the fall. Between the marshes, fields, and rivers, the Wolf Pack guides are busy with fins and feathers! Grab a cup of coffee and take a look at the pictures.
Wolf Pack's "office" opens before sun-up. Our staff is ready and waiting to take you on a great duck hunt.

"Taz" is our official greeter...."Good morning and welcome aboard!"
The trucks instrumentation even advised it was cold enough for the roads to have frost....cold weather, hot ducks!
One of the best parts of a Wolf Pack Hunt is a great duck-boat breakfast!
No pressure....even Taz can "wait" for breakfast.

After chow, it's time for eyes to the sky...waiting for those early morning flights.
You want to duck hunt with a seasoned pro? Hunt with the Wolf Pack, hunt with Roy.
Ready to roll, ready for the flocks!
"Taz" ever vigilante....ready to hunt.
On the go in comfort with Dave at the tiller.
Welcome to some of the best times, the best places, and picture perfect scenes!

Taz with a Canadian Goose retrieve -- way to go Tazzer-man!
Another goose served up by the TAZ.

Taz says bye for now....but always remember your hunts with Wolf Pack Adventures! What's next....are you up for some river fishing?
Nice catch of a female Chinook Salmon!
Our guest even visit from the Eastern United States to catch a big hook-jaw male Chinook Salmon.
Even though the salmon are getting darker, into their fall spawning colors, they still have some fight in them!
Guess what? We're starting to see some Brown and Rainbow Trout action. This 32" Brown was her first fall fly-fishing trout!

Alright, my wife caught a nice Brown Trout, the guy behind me is releasing a Salmon. I was throwing a spawn sack (brown spawn) in the drift and set the hook when the bobber went down! Expecting my big fall fish to be Salmonoid, BUT NOOOOO! I get an aggressive Blue-gill -- go figure?
After taking some teasing from the fishermen around the spot, I decided to move down river....and did it pay off!
Third fly-cast with a purple blood sucking leach pattern yielded this acrobatic 29" Rainbow Trout!

In case you're wondering what the Salmon run looks like...well here it is. You can see several males "tending" to a female on the shallow. They fight each other, biting tails, shoving, and chasing each other.
They look so awesome...like a battle group of submarines.
Here is a dominant male (left) tending to a female. The males get a pronounced hook-jaw, visible through the water. You can get close to these fish for pictures.
Folks...don't forget to book a fall adventure with the Wolf Pack! We're out Goose & Duck Hunting, Musky Fishing, and River Fishing....get out while it's all happening!