This years winner were:
1. Nathen Lukasik, Pulaski Northern Pike 12:10 4.86 lb $25,000.00
2. James Ausprung, New Berlin Norhtern Pike, 12:08 2.39 Lb $20,000.00
3. Jeff Zimmerman, Shawano Walleye 11:55 2.21 LB Ice House 2778
4. Kevin Theilman, Summit LK Northern Pike 1:16 1.95 $7,500.00
5. Mike Scharl, Howards Grove Yellow Perch 11:32 0.812 $5,000.00
6. Brian Kluz, Oshkosh Yellow Perch 12:09 0.59 $3,500.00
7. Tyler DeBauche, Brussulg Yellow Perch 11:26 0.57 $2,000.00
8. Eric Zaremba, Muskego Yellow Perch 11:28 0.5 $750.00
9. John Franzeier, Crivitz Yellow Perch 11:19 0.48 $600.00
10.Scott Vanepps, Gleason Yellow Perch 12:03 0.45 $500.00
Then a lot of $500.00 and 20 Jiffy Ice Drills to round off the top 50 prizes
Wolf Pack trailer with some of the Jiffy Equipment already unloaded for the participants.
One lucky person won this Ice Fishing House! All the creature comforts you can think off, plus removable ports so you can drill holes and fish in complete comfort!
The Wolf Pack brought out the new Frabill Glide Trax to be tested in the extreme temps and winds -- folks got to see all the creature comforts!
Prior to the start of the tourney, participants can go select their holes and get their equipment ready.
Once their spots are selected, they ALL have to wait across a plowed boundary on the perimeter of the fishing area....and wait for the "GO!"
It was COLD! Here Pat uses the chipper end of a Jiffy ice skimmer to get chop the ice out of his hole.
These year's tickets sold were up over 500 from last year! Between 2900-3000 attendees hit the ice!
As you can see, despite the well below zero temperatures, LOTS of people participated in this very popular fishing tournament!
Mike had first place for a while!

Scharl -- (Wolf Pack team member) entered the
tournament on his own and took 5
th place for $5,000! He was using a
Frabill rod!!!! We're proud of Mike -- he's been with us since the
beginning of Wolf Pack Adventures!

Jason & Tracy
Swartz the Tournament organizers!

4400 holes were drilled in 1hr, 35
mins. with 20 Jiffy Stealth Drills (one hole every 15 seconds) without a malfunction our hats are off to those boys at Jiffy !
When you think about it, that is some serious prize power! Just looking at it makes me remember the days of looking at the "toys r us" catalogue when I was a kid...except here, you just have to catch a fish to get something!
Pelican Lake Ice Fishing Tourney! If you didn't go this year, you gotta go next year! It's a blast and they have TOP-NOTCH prizes!